Your Income Tax Return and Supporting Documents

File your taxes with confidence

When you file your income tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), there are certain forms and supporting documents that you need to submit with your return. However, there are also documents that you need to keep in case of an audit or post assessment, while other documents can be disposed of. Here’s what you need to know.

Filing Your Income Tax Return

Annually, you need to complete the T1 General Income Tax and Benefit Return as well as associated territorial or provincial forms. In order to complete your return, you also will likely need to complete schedules or additional forms that request more information. Schedules should be attached to your income tax return in most cases.

For example, if you split pension income with your spouse, the CRA requires you to complete and submit form T1032. In most cases, you need to attach these forms to your income tax return when you file it, and you should make copies for your records.

However, in cases where a form establishes a long-lasting condition, you typically do not have to file it each year.