Entering EVT-3 Scores

The Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition (EVT™-3) is a measure of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval based on Standard American English. The EVT-3 assessment was designed to coordinate with the PPVT™-5 ( Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test , Fifth Edition) to compare receptive and expressive vocabulary. The EVT-3 can be administered to individuals ages 2:6 to 90+ years. Types of scores/interpretations include age-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents (NCE), stanines, age equivalents, and individual growth scale value scores (GSV).

For EVT-3, there is an Overview tab and a Subtests tab where examinee item scores or the raw score may be entered .

Assessment Demographics on the Overview Tab

American Indian/Alaska Native

Prefer not to answer

Reason for Testing

The reason the examinee was referred for testing.

Subtests Tab

The EVT-3 allows raw score entry or item response entry. Either raw score entry OR item response entry may be chosen, but not both.

To perform raw score entry, enter a valid raw score (0-190). To perform item response entry, click the Item entry toggle and enter item scores in the single-character auto-advance item entry boxes.

When performing item score entry (preferred), enter the score for each administered item. Valid responses are: 0 = Incorrect, 1 = Correct, 2= No Response ("N" may also be entered for "No Response" or "Don't Know"). Incorrect examinee scores are highlighted in blue. If item scores are entered, the system will calculate the raw score and the raw score will appear in the report, but not in the Subtests tab on the Assessment Details page.

For more details about item score entry age-based start points, basal and reversal rules, and ceiling/discontinue rules, please see the EVT-3 Manual or record form.

Complete Administration Rule

The complete administration rule requires that a response be filled in for all items between the basal and ceiling for a particular administration. The test is considered unscorable until the complete administration rule is fulfilled.

Command Buttons

W hen you click the Save updates or the Proceed to Reports button, the system checks to ensure all of the required data have been entered. If any data are missing or invalid, you will see a message next to the item.

A saved record will have a status of "Ready for Reporting" or "Needs Editing," depending on whether any data is still needed to score the assessment.

Once the assessment record is in "Ready for Reporting" status, click the Proceed to Reports button to generate a report. Once a report has been generated for an assessment, the status will update to "Report Generated."