Alaska optometric practice act

The Alaska State Legislature

HB 309: "An Act relating to the practice of optometry; and relating to the delegation of routine services of optometry."


span BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: * Section 1. AS 08.72.050 is amended to read: Sec. 08.72.050. Regulations. The board shall adopt regulations ; (7) authorizing an optometrist licensed under this chapter to

delegate routine services of optometry to an agent of the optometrist; the regulations must (A) require that an agent who is not licensed under this chapter may perform duties delegated under this paragraph only if the agent meets applicable standards established by the board; (B) prohibit an optometrist from delegating duties related to pain management and opioid use and addiction; and (C) define the phrase "routine services of optometry." [.] * Sec. 2. AS 08.72.110 is amended to read: Sec. 08.72.110. License required. (a) Except for the practice of routine services of optometry delegated under AS 08.72.050(7), a [A] person may not Except for the practice of routine services of optometry delegated under AS 08.72.050(7), a [A] person not licensed as an optometrist may not fit, sell, AS 08.72.280 is amended to read: Sec. 08.72.280. Prohibited acts. A person may not falsely personate a licensed Except for the practice of routine services of optometry delegated under AS 08.72.050(7), practicing [PRACTICING] or offering to practice optometry without a license is

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